The Doctor is in

Not the most stellar of premieres, but it was wonderful to see that spinning blue box again.

And another season of Torchwood comes to a close. I hope that in season three they sort out their issue with a cohesive arc that has a more meaningful impact on the finale. So far the showrunners have peppered something of an arc randomly through different episodes and then have “plotlines” I was unaware of suddenly come together completely out of nowhere. While I like the big arcs other shows have, Torchwood is really about each of character’s plotline. That’s what I find myself caring about the most.

I started Haibane Renmei again. I had started on the fansub years ago and then gotten distracted.

1. Veronica Mars
2. Lost
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Torchwood
5. Doctor Who
6. Flight of the Conchords
7. The League of Gentlemen
8. Haibane Renmei
9. The Mighty Boosh
10. Witch Hunter Robin

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